629 Park Avenue (btwn 65th and 66th Street )                  CONTACT        


Whether it’s a subtle enhancement or complete rejuvenation; put your face in the hands of our facial rejuvenation expert. We offer a comprehensive range of the most up-to-date aesthetic facial treatments available which are quite simply the best.

We all want to look as good as we can for as long as possible. Lines and wrinkles, thinning lips, sun-damaged skin and sagging jowls are all signs that time is not exactly on our side, but with a little bit of help it’s possible to roll back the years, look revitalized and rejuvenated.

 Dr. Gary is at the cutting edge of facial enhancement procedures and he believes that you deserve the best.
 That’s why we’ve tried, tested and perfected each and every treatment we offer; from frown-line reducing muscle relaxing injections, dermal fillers to replace lost volume or a non-surgical PRP Enriched Facelift using the latest cellular technology; we know you’ll love the results, and keep everyone else wondering how you look so good…

Dark Circles under the Eyes Treatment

As a person ages the skin covering your eyelids thins out, which may cause the blood vessels to become more apparent.  This gives the lower eyelids a darker appearance.  It's also possible that thin eyelids can be inherited. Dark eyelids can also be caused from swelling in your lower eyelids. When you're lying down, gravity causes fluid to collect in your lower eyelids, which may create shadows below your eyes.

Dark Circles Under the Eyes are treated using Thermacool (Thermage), Photorejuvenation, Fillers,Chemical Peels, Laser Resurfacing, or utilization of a vascular laser.  There can be one to multiple treatments for this condition in order to optimize results.

It is vital to undergo a full pre assessment to ensure that your skin type is fully assessed and to be  accurate about your medical history. This particular procedure might not be the right treatment for you.  It is crucial that the Doctor does a full History and Physical Examination and listens to your concerns.  It very important to understand the individual needs of each patient because one procedure could work on one patient and then not another.

Each patient’s condition is carefully evaluated and the best treatment(s) are chosen to ensure an optimal outcome. Treatments are performed by Dr. Gary who has extensive cosmetic dermatology experience and training. This allows the Doctor to offer top-quality services in every area of the cosmetic dermatology field, while ensuring patients safety and satisfaction

Dr. Gary Rothfeld  is the Dermatologist to the stars . . .considered one of the preeminent authorities in the world on the subject of facial rejuvenation.

During the consultation, you will have the opportunity  to discuss with Dr. Gary about the changes that you’d like to make in your appearance.  He will explain the best options available to you, the procedure itself, and the risks and limitations required. Be sure to ask all the questions you have about the procedure.

It is important that you explain the results that you would like. Bring your photos with you  and show the Doctor what you like and what you don’t like. He will be able to tell you if you are a good candidate for that certain treatment.