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              Cherry Angioma Treatment Center
              Opened 7 days a Week for Treatment 

                  Laser Treatment - Pulsed Dye Laser

The Technology

At the Cherry Angioma Treatment Center Common procedures for removing cherry angiomas include:

This surgical method of treatment involves burning the angioma by using an electric current delivered by a tiny probe. For this procedure, you will also have a grounding pad placed somewhere on your body to shield the rest of your body from the electricity.

       Electrodesiccation can be used to effectively treat cherry angioma 

What is Electrodesiccation? 

Electrodesiccation is a type of electrosurgery. A small electric current passes through a fine needle. The application of this current can seal off small blood vessels. 

Will the Treatment be Permanent? 

Once treated, many vessels will be destroyed permanently. Sometimes however, for a variety of reasons, not all of the vessels can be treated at once. You may need a touch-up procedure. Additionally, patients are often prone to developing new lesions in the future. These can easily be treated at a later session.

This procedure involves freezing the angioma with liquid nitrogen, and the extreme cold will destroy it. This method is known for being a quick and relatively easy procedure. You only need one treatment session for cryosurgery to work, and the liquid nitrogen is usually sprayed for only about 10 seconds. The wound doesn’t require much care afterward, and there is a lower chance of infection compared to other types of surgeries.

Laser Surgery
This type of surgery involves using a pulsed dye laser (PDL) to get rid of the cherry angioma. The PDL is a concentrated yellow laser that gives off enough heat to destroy the lesion. This method is quick and is done as an outpatient procedure, which means you will not have to stay in the hospital overnight. Depending on how many angiomas you have, you may need between one and three treatment sessions. This surgery can cause slight bruising, which can last up to 10 days. use different therapies for removal of cherry angiomas. the Pulsed Dye Laser, or PDL with a  concentrated beam of light that targets blood vessels in the skin. The light is converted into heat, destroying the blood vessel while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged. The laser uses yellow light, which is very safe and does not result in any long-term skin damage. 

About the Treatment

PDL treatments usually take only a few minutes and are performed during an outpatient clinic visit. No anesthesia is required, as the machine produces a cold spray just before the laser pulse, diminishing the sensation of pain. Most patients with usually need between 1-3 treatments. Patients with port wine stains, hemangiomas and extensive rosacea may need more treatments. Improving the appearance of red scars, hypertrophic scars or keloids may take a variable number of treatments. As with any other treatment, incomplete response or recurrence may occur.

 Patient had multiple cherry angiomas removed with one pulsed dye laser treatment.

Side Effects

Side effects are generally minimal. The most common side effect is bruising. With the V-Beam bruising can be minimized or even eliminated. If it should occur, bruising is most pronounced in the first few days and usually clears within 3-10 days. Less common side effects include temporary pigmentary changes usually lasting a few weeks. Sunblock for one month before treatment is recommended as tanned skin blocks the laser light and results in a higher chance of side effects. Scarring is extremely rare with this laser.


Skin care after the procedure is straightforward. A moisturizer, such as Aquaphor Ointment or Vaseline Jelly, applied 2-3 times per day will help protect the skin and speed healing. Sun protection will help minimize the chance of pigmentary changes. Makeup can be used starting on day two. If any crust forms, patients should not pick or try to remove it. Any bruising fades relatively quickly over a 3-10 day period.

 Cherry Angiomas: Understanding and Treating Vascular Lesions with Dr. Gary Rothfeld

Abstract: Cherry angiomas, also known as senile angiomas or Campbell de Morgan spots, are common benign vascular lesions that can appear on the skin as small, bright red papules. While they are typically harmless, many individuals seek treatment for cosmetic reasons. Dr. Gary Rothfeld, a world-renowned dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon with over 35 years of experience, has been at the forefront of providing effective and innovative treatments for cherry angiomas. This article explores the nature of cherry angiomas and discusses the various treatment options offered by Dr. Rothfeld to address these vascular lesions.

Introduction: Cherry angiomas are vascular lesions characterized by clusters of dilated capillaries, resulting in small, red, dome-shaped papules on the skin's surface. These lesions are generally non-cancerous and are often associated with aging, typically appearing in adulthood. While cherry angiomas are harmless from a medical perspective, many individuals seek treatment due to their appearance and potential discomfort.

Dr. Gary Rothfeld: A Pioneer in Cherry Angioma Treatment Dr. Gary Rothfeld is a world-renowned dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon with over three decades of experience in the field. His commitment to providing patients with the most advanced and effective treatments has earned him a reputation as a leading expert in the management of various dermatological conditions, including cherry angiomas. Dr. Rothfeld's approach to treating these lesions is based on a combination of cutting-edge technology and his extensive clinical expertise.

Understanding Cherry Angioma Treatment:

Laser Therapy: Dr. Rothfeld employs state-of-the-art laser technology to target and eliminate cherry angiomas. The laser emits a precise wavelength of light that is absorbed by the hemoglobin in the blood vessels within the lesion. This causes coagulation and subsequent closure of the vessels, leading to the disappearance of the angioma. Laser therapy is known for its minimal discomfort and quick recovery time.

Cryotherapy: Another option for cherry angioma removal is cryotherapy, which involves freezing the lesion using liquid nitrogen. Dr. Rothfeld carefully applies the cryogen to the angioma, causing the affected tissue to freeze and eventually slough off. This method is effective for smaller lesions and offers rapid results.

Electrocautery: Electrocautery is a procedure that employs electrical current to burn and remove cherry angiomas. Dr. Rothfeld uses a specialized device to target and destroy the abnormal blood vessels, effectively eliminating the lesion. This treatment is often suitable for larger angiomas.

Excision: In some cases, particularly for larger or irregularly shaped cherry angiomas, Dr. Rothfeld may recommend surgical excision. This procedure involves cutting out the lesion and closing the wound with sutures. Although it may leave a small scar, excision is an effective method for complete removal.

Conclusion: Cherry angiomas are common benign vascular lesions that can be effectively treated for cosmetic reasons. Dr. Gary Rothfeld, a world-renowned dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon, offers a range of advanced treatments for cherry angiomas, tailored to the individual needs of his patients. With over 35 years of experience, Dr. Rothfeld's expertise and commitment to innovation continue to make a positive impact in the field of dermatology and cosmetic surgery, providing patients with safe and effective solutions for vascular lesions like cherry angiomas.