629 Park Avenue (btwn 65th and 66th Street )                  CONTACT        


               Eyebrow Medical and Surgical Restoration Treatment

   Increase the density of the original

  • Thickening of the existing brow
  • Fill any birth defects or accidents missing eyebrow
  • We will outline the eyebrow area so it conforms to the natural symmetry of your face
  •  New hair continues to grow over time, achieving the goal of a fuller and natural looking brow
  • Fill out patchy or partial eyebrows, to restore absent eyebrows, and even camouflage scars within the eyebrow area
  • Natural looking brows promote a softer appearance and enhances our face
  • But also innate malformations, diseases or previous treatments with permanent-make-up can cause eyebrow hair loss
  • In these cases, the eyebrow transplantation offers great possibilities in order to restore natural eyebrows after a partial or complete loss of hair
  • Many times  a cortisone shot will allow hair to come back when it's been lost because of an autoimmune disease like alopecia,lupus, or hair plucking. The shot works best for eyebrows when it is given directly where the eyebrow hair grows.

The reasons for the loss of eyebrow hair can differ. In most cases, the loss of hair is due to an obsessive tweezing of the eyebrows.

We can create new eyebrows by the new eyebrow hair transplant techniques, in the following case we  achieved excellent result

Eyebrow reshaping

  • We can re-shape your eyebrows in any shape desired
  • The Doctor will help you design your new eyebrows with a new facial contour

There are often patients who visit us after two or three refreshing sessions of their eyebrow permanent make-up, who have such a scarred skin, so that the scar tissue does not absorb any colors anymore. Those patients have – most of the time – lost their natural eyebrows and further permanent make-up sessions are not possible anymore. Cosmeticians can only help for a short time.

Despite the previous damaged skin through micro scarring, it is possible to help some of these patients to get back some of their naturally growing eyebrows by using the new gentle FUE method.

According to the new FUE eyebrow transplantation, the donor hair gets extracted in short temporary intervals and immediately transplanted to the bald areas of the eyebrows. This procedure allows minimum damage to the sensitive hair follicles during the eyebrow transplantation process. The hair is stored for a short period of time  in a enriched medium with the patients own blood plasma between the extraction and the transplantation at the new position. The shortened time of storage as well as the change between the extraction and transplantation of the hair is the main aspect of the success of the new-FUE-eyebrow transplantation and the achieved high rate of more than 90% of the hair to take roots.

The necessary donor hair will be extracted with a micro hypodermic needle for the eyebrow transplantation, which only has a diameter of less than 1 mm similar to the method performed for the classical FUE-method.

Compared to outdated techniques for eyebrow  transplantation,  e.g. the strip technology – scars will be minimal. Also pain after the surgery will be reduced to a minimum, due to the new gentle FUE-method.

Someitmes  a cortisone shot will allow hair to come back when it's been lost because of an autoimmune disease like alopecia,lupus, or hair plucking. The shot works best for eyebrows when it is given directly where the eyebrow hair grows.

Eyebrow Restoration for Men

Eyebrow Transplantation Treatment Center are experts at creating exactly the right angle for growth and the procedure is carried out under local anesthetic.  As many men as women are affected by patchy, sparse eyebrows and an equal number of both genders seek and undergo treatment.
The placement of the hairs needs to follow the angle and direction of naturally occurring eyebrow hair and they need to be very closely spaced at a very flat angle to the skin.
The angle and direction of hair insertion is determined by using needles to produce the very smallest incisions, to minimise any scarring or damage to existing hairs.
Each eyebrow will typically require 250-500 individual hairs to produce a natural appearance depending on the existing hair and the density required.
People do not appreciate  how the  eyebrows have such an effect on facial features until they see a person without them. An eyebrow transplant can improve facial appearance by implanting your own hair into the eyebrow area, the hairs look exactly the same as your eyebrows would if they were naturally thicker.     
                  We accept all credit cards  as well as debit cards for payment of services.

Open 7 Days A Week — Se Habla Español

Park Avenue Dermatology & the Non-Surgical Rejuvenation Center